Storage & Backup
Veytec Storage and Backup Solutions
Our expert data center engineering staff works with clients and organizations throughout the Southeast US to provide highly redundant and secure storage and backup plans to protect their critical data.
Average cost to
organizations following
a ransomware
Cost of remediate compared
to the ransom payment
alonefor those without
robust DR plans.
Average amount
of data loss following
a ransomware
Percentage of leaders and organizations in the Forbes report who confirmed they were targeted in the past 12 months.
Source: Netapp and Forbes 2021 Ransomware Updates
Disaster Recovery
Being a company headquartered in Florida, we understand the need for robust disaster recovery planning in the event of something like a hurricane, power outage, or another unpredictable event.
According to the National Hurricane Center, the Atlantic Hurricane season lasts 6 months, and on overage, the Atlantic will plan to see 14 named storms; 7 Hurricanes; and 3 Major CAT 3+ storms. For our clients throughout the Southeast and Florida, having a redundancy and DR plan is essential to staying operational and being prepared for these events.
National Hurricane Center data from 2021
For our clients throughout the Southeast and Florida, having a redundancy and DR plan is essential to staying operational and being prepared for these events.
Our solutions surpass audit requirements in all the industries we serve (law enforcement, higher education, retail, financial services, legal, and court retention requirements).
Veytec Solutions
Our staff builds redundant solutions with security in mind. By layering solutions with security, and following our “3P approach” to find the right solution, our staff will also help identify the people and processes to assist with patching, backups, and redundancy. Even if your team is executing routine backups, we have seen those become vulnerable to advanced attacks in the past year. Our data center architects work closely not only with strategic vendors but with the US Department of Homeland Security, FEMA and other organizations to stay on top of emerging trends and best practices so that you can ensure the most redundant availability of data possible.
Veytec partners closely with NetApp , Veeam and other vendors to provide industry-leading storage and backup solutions for your critical data. Our staff helps build redundant data center solutions across all industries.
Colocation Services
Our purpose-built colocation facility offers clients peace of mind when it comes to security, redundant power and assured circuit connectivity.
Hosted Services
If you need to build a backup plan, but it is not in the budget or you are not ready to fully move to the cloud, our privately hosted backup solution can be a great fit which also provides flexibility of an OPEX financial model.
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